Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Lindberg update

Well, today is Tuesday. Noah is home from school, the girls are getting into things they are not supposed to be and I am on the computer blogging...instead of doing the things that stay-at-home moms do, you know laundry, playing with their children, ironing their husband's clothes for work and baking cookies.

I think this is much more fun and if the girls aren't choking or beating on each other and Noah is not hitting or mutilating them then things are going great at the Lindberg house and I can sit down and blog. Besides I have a house update to get to and a Living Grace Lutheran Church Launch Sunday blog to post up here for all those interested too.

So, let's make this quick...

Noah is really into his scary faces right now. I don't know, he doesn't look to scary to me and James laughs whenever Noah shows him his scary faces. What do you think?

These next two pictures are for two people in the family. Grandpa Pingel, because he does not like the headbands and Aunt Mary because she does like the head bands. Doesn't Rachel look like she is a little old man with the head band pushing down one eyebrow?

Sarah is going to be Miss Photogenic just like her daddy and big brother.

We like black beans going in but not so much when they come out the other end!

Those are my babes. They sure bring lots of joy (I have to say it to remind myself.)



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