Friday, August 29, 2008

Rachel's first steps

Here she is... our walking star. She is working on perfecting the laugh and the walking together. She is not real talented at doing both just yet.

Sarah, on the other hand, is quite content to cheer on her little sis from the sidelines. AKA not interested in any walking or standing on her own. So, here is a little picture of Sarah eating lunch the other day.

A little blurry but you can see her front two teeth and her silly face.

Still blurry but a better picture of her funny face.

This is obviously not her best side... What do we expect with all that food on her plate to eat at lunch. Our little chunkers!

OOOooooo, she looks sweet but don't let that smile fool you. She has a very loud "scream" when she is hungry and we are not getting her food fast enough for her.

And last but not least. Noah with Uncle Jim in the driver's seat of "Uncle Jim's fire engine." Can you believe he is three years old and this is the first we have gotten him over to see the firestation.

Just on another note, it's a good thing I didn't take Noah out of preschool. We think he has finally mastered pottying in the potty. Poopy too! There is much rejoicing in the Lindberg house tonight!

Love to all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow! She is doing so great! I love that she is laughing at the same time! I can't wait until Keena starts walking.