Wednesday, August 20, 2008

You have to see it to believe it...

I know you are all thinking, "Get that girl a job. All she talks about is Laundry, laundry, laundry." Well, that's all I talk about to my mom that is. But here is proof that a family of five with twin 10 month olds can have all their laundry done. Well let's just say that at 8:15 p.m. on a Wednesday night, the laundry is done, until Noah puts on his pjs for bed. Oh no, here they come down the stairs already. Well, for about 10 minutes the laundry was done.
Here's one of our baby. She has taken to eating table food. She even had a little PB&J today, with the help of her big brother.
And now, I know you are all thinking, "Is that what I think it is?" YES! This is a picture of Noah's first poopie in the potty. James is concerned that I have lost it! It was a day for celebration. Since this picture, I think we have thrown out about 15 pair of underwear because we can't seem to remember where the potty is when we need to go poop.
Have a great day!

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