Thursday, February 5, 2009

A Lot Has Happened since my last post!

Let's see where to start.

Christmas came and went. James and I have talked about how we barely even recognized Christmas this year. We were actually packing boxes on Christmas eve. We did have a great holiday with family.

After Christmas, we had to get ready for the move. We had our finally walk through on Friday the 26th of December and closed on December 31st. Now, I wouldn't recommend that as the best time to move. We lucked out with great weather and no snow storms. We got moved in and boxes unloaded before James had to go back to work on January 5th and the kids and I were on our own.

It is wonderful to have room to move. The kids are not on top of each other, well, only when they really want to be. Rachel seems to enjoy this "sport" more than Sarah. (I'll have to try and get a picture to post.) Noah loves to run really fast through the house. They especially love to play in our empty living room. They play chase and hide and seek. It's very cute.

We are pretty well settled into our routine at the new house and I am patiently trying to make it into our home. I am still organizing and getting things were they should be but will soon be able to put the finishing touches on our home. For now, I will post pictures of our new house.

I hope all is well with you. On a side note, I am a huge Facebook fan and a "friend" of mine posted a link to this blog: If you have time, please read about this family and offer some prayers up for them. I do not know them but with three healthy kids at home, I can't imagine what this family is going through. They need a miracle.


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