Friday, October 17, 2008

Windows and Shingles

House update as of Thursday, October 16 at 9:15 a.m. I think siding will go on this next week about Tuesday. We'll keep you posted.

We are trying to get healthy at the Lindberg house. The girls have been on medication for ear infections and sinus crud. They have finished that and we think they may have had a touch of the flu. It has been a rough week for us but we are on the mend. Just praying that I don't get it, as I usually do get whatever the kids have.

We are thankful for our mostly good health and the fact that we have been able to make it through a year without any major problems. It's hard to believe that just a year ago I was as big as a house and so ready for these two little girls to come to live with us.

We have had a lot of changes in the past year but through it all, I know for sure that God is good and generous to his people. I thank you for your interest in our family and in the prayers that you have been sending up for us and Living Grace Lutheran Church.

I hope that God's blessings are poured on you and your families too.

love, lori

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