Friday, July 10, 2009

Sarah's new bed

It all began on vacation in Minnesota. Sarah learned how to climb out of her "crib". She thought she was so smart and loved to climb out and get a reaction from her parents. She continued her climbing after Minnesota at home but James and I decided that we weren't going to try to do a toddler bed.

Well, after our trip to California, where she was constantly climbing out of her pack-n-play. Coming home from there she has really enjoyed as James calls it "sashaying" into our room every morning saying, "Daddy, Mommy, Noah." It's a great wake up call but also an emergency room visiting waiting to happen. So, we made the decision to by the girls toddler beds.

Let's see it seems tonight that it took one hour and 49 minutes for Sarah to settle down enough to fall asleep. I will try to convince James that it is one night closer to having her sleeping in her own big girl bed.

Anyone who knows the girls, knows they LOVE Dora, or should I say "D-D-D-D-D-DORA." I thought it was appropriate for them to have Dora bedding.

Here they are, the three amigos (Rachel, Sarah and Noah, l to r). Sarah is quite happy about her new bed. Noah informed us that he was moving into the girls' room because there was plenty of room in Sarah's new bed for two people. He then proceeded to get his bean bag chair, basketball hoop, and climbed in bed. It will be interesting to see where the kids are tomorrow morning when they wake up. I'll keep you posted....

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