Monday, June 16, 2008

Lots of changes...

Time is just flying by with these girls. Both girls have cut teeth since the last post. Rachel has two on the bottom and Sarah has one. Although she could have two, I haven't check lately. Rachel has mastered crawling and is even starting to pull herself up on things. Sarah does a mean army man crawl all over the house. Their poor knees and Sarah's arms. They are really red by the end of the day. I guess I will have to get them some baby leg warmers to protect their little baby skin.

Noah is our little baseball player. He and James were outside tonight playing ball. James was pitching and Noah was batting. Poor James had to be quick so he wouldn't get hit with the ball. Who knows, with all this practice at the age of 3, maybe he will be hitting homeruns, at age 12, just like his cousin Spencer is doing this summer on his baseball team.

Noah has been a delight these last few weeks. He is really growing up and learning what it means to be a big brother. His little sisters are much more interested in his toys than their own and Noah is just learning what it's like to have two little sisters. His favorite line is, "Their ruining everything." It is safe to say that the girls love their big brother very much. He has the power to calm them down and get them to stop crying. It's amazing their love of him.

He are a few new pictures.

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